Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world



Windsor, ON Tuesday August 25th, 2020 at 6:35 PM

Red Light

To the couple in a White Jeep that I interacted with at Canadian Tire on Walker Road and at the intersection near Homesense. I tried to hand you a note in the Canadian Tire parking lot to let you know that you nearly killed me when you ran the red light at Petro, but you refused to take it. When I pulled up to you at the intersection, I yelled to let you know that you almost killed me, and you asked what light and gave me a confused look. If it truly was not you at the light, I sincerely apologize. I started to second guess myself and wondered whether I had the wrong car. If that is the case, I am so sorry for startling you like that.

Windsor, ON Tuesday August 25th, 2020 at 1:52 PM

Best graduation note

My son just graduated high school this year2020 With all that's happening in the world , you have to know that there's us still kindness and love for everyone!

Here's a card we got in the mail with a note and 5$= I million $ from a stranger passing by who saw a Graduation banner out in the lawn in front of our house

I want to thank you so much Sandra!! You made our day and you taught my kids a valuable lesson that kindness is everywhere and there always good people.

We will do the same!! Let's keep this chain of kindness going!!!

Windsor, ON Saturday August 22nd, 2020 at 5:33 PM


There is a family in LaSalle,that have a stand in front of there house and everyday there are fresh garden vegetables ,and next to it a little pool for dogs.the vegetables are free.I think it's just great. The thoughtfulness of these people should be all over the news papers.

Windsor, ON Friday August 7th, 2020 at 9:04 PM

Dear Drive Thru Karen

I would to first off say to the lady who came through the drive thru at the McDonald's on Manning Rd., if you were already having a bad day I am sorry that you were, and if you weren't then you should be ashamed.
The debit/ credit was down and not just at this specific location, it was posted at the drive thru before entering the lane and at the door before entering the store, and yet you continued to drive through, and up to the speak where you then yelled at the employee on the other end about how "they should know if the machine is working or not for credit, and now you are stuck in a line you can't get out of" despite already being told that was not working, and being apologized too.
Well I was that person and I'm not ok with the attitude you gave me. I have dealt with rude customers before, and especially during this horrible Covid-19 situation, as I have been working since this all started.
I however can not control what an electronical device can or can not do, we were all trying our best today despite the circumstances, and you not only yelled at me but my manager too, who also did not deserve the treatment you dished out.
Life happens and some things are out of our control...this was one of them.
I had to get this off my chest. Thank you.

Windsor, ON Tuesday July 14th, 2020 at 7:08 PM

Watch your dogs!

To the house in the 1800 block of Westcott with the 2 dogs that run the neighbourhood, your dogs almost got hit on Tecumseh Rd. I saw them running and went out to get them and bring them back as well as another neighbour, only to be greeted by your son? or son's friend who was screaming to a kid and the dogs to Get the F inside. I know this is a regular occurrence and I know the Humane Society and I believe police have been involved for the one dog going after a girl. PS, your bigger dog isn't that friendly and should be watched better. Also, the boys at the door we're very rude to another neighbour when she told them they need to clean up the dog poop on her grass from your dog....That is responsible pet ownership! 🤦‍♀️

Windsor, ON Sunday July 12th, 2020 at 10:06 PM

Awesome service

There is a security guard working at the Royal Bank on Howard who deserves a shout out. He is unfailingly polite and helpful even to the sometimes grumpy customers waiting in line to get into the bank. The wait is often up to 45 minutes but he greets all customers politely, engages in conversation and even brought out a chair for an elderly customer. He makes the wait time much more bearable with his upbeat personality. Well done young man!

Windsor, ON Saturday July 11th, 2020 at 9:05 PM

To the wonderful young couple that found my husband's cell phone

Just wanted to give a shout out to the young couple who found my husband's cell phone in the parking lot at Home Depot near Costco on Saturday July 11th around 7pm. Thank you so much for calling the home number and returning it to the Customer Service Desk. Its comforting to know that there is still good people out there. You have been spotted!!!

Thanks for saving the day!!!

Windsor, ON Thursday July 2nd, 2020 at 6:59 PM


I was at giant tiger Off of Pillette Rd., Thursday, July 2. As I was walking in, a lady' was giving the young man at the door a hard time because somebody was in the store without a mask. He told her she had a medical condition. Her response was did she have a card? Shame on you for taking your frustration out on this young man who is just doing his job. I'm sure he's making no more than minimum wage. If you had an issue with this you should've asked to speak to the manager. It's not up to this young man to police and confront people. The sign on the door did not say mandatory masks. What is wrong with you? If you didn't like it maybe you should've just left. There is so much rudeness and disrespect in this city, that makes me sad. People need to relax and just be kind to one another.

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