Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world



Windsor, ON Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 5:38 PM

To the guy working at the coffee counter at hotel dieu hospital,
My friend had brain surgery yesterday and on my way in after you had already closed you gave me the muffins that she asked for because I was driving I didn't see the text until I got there. Thank you so much you are the sweetest muffin man ever!
Sincerely, a very appreciative friend

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 5:02 PM

Found: M.A.C. Bag with items inside on Saturday December 7th. If this is yours, please call 519-965-1236, to identify the items in the bag and where you lost it.

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 4:50 PM

To ALL the wonderful staff at Western Secondary School who chipped in and donated enough turkey to ensure that ALL the students would get a free hot & delicious holiday meal with all the fixings ... YOU have been spotted!

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 4:18 PM

To the girl who didnt stop at the stop sign at the corner of Church and Park St., I think you need to have your licence taken away and you should learn the road signs again because not only did you total my car, you were unapologetic and full of excuses. I hope you learned a lesson....STOP at a stop sign and look both ways before going...


The girl who now has to buy a new car and isn't excited about it.

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 3:27 PM

Spotted - thank you to the gentleman at Baja Café for the great service. We bought a Keurig coffee maker for my in-laws for Christmas, and this is the perfect spot to pick out a wonderful variety of coffees and teas for them to try. You don't have to buy a giant box full, only to find out that they don't like that flavour or strength. I think this is the first place in Windsor that offers Keurig cups in a one-at-a-time selection - and they have SOOOO many kinds. Thank you for the tour and the help in choosing the best flavours and variety!

Signed, a grateful coffee-loving daughter-in-law!

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 3:15 PM

To the girl working at Tim Hortons in the WFCU Centre today. I don't usually drink more then one coffee a day but I had to go all the way back to the arena for a second one today. Your smile is amazing and you're really really cute.

You've been spotted!

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 2:54 PM

Spotted : To the woman in the UPS downtown Detroit. When I was picking up my package I had no idea it was going to cost me, and I asked the employee's where I could go to get money exchanged, and before they could even answer me you handed me 5 dollars. I told you I would pay it forward, and I will make good on that promise.

From a very thankful Windsorite!

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 11th, 2013 at 2:42 PM

SPOTTED : HWY #3 round about users

the OUTSIDE lane is for next exit ONLY (as per the lines in the road) also as per the marked signs. It can be confusing, but accidents are happening because the outside lane are being used to go around to ANY exit..... PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS!

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