Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world



Windsor, ON Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 10:48 AM

Spotted : To the ladies at my doctors office your the best!! I didn't make my appt in time and you slipped me in on the last day before your holidays. If it wasn't for you I'd be with out meds thru the holidays !! I often see people being rude to you ladies and your always professional about it. Thank you! Merry Christmas

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 10:01 AM

Spotted : To the person who hit my car last night and took off my mirror, i would like to say how thoughtful you were to not leave a note or knock on my door. I say Merry Christmas to you!! I wanted to thank you, not because of my great birthday present, or early Christmas present you gave to me by showing compassion to rectify what you caused. Not!!
To my friend you have been spotted!

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 9:56 AM

I found out today from people that live 4 hours away that I knew the man killed in the accident on Monday. I am very disappointed in the lack of details that the media in Windsor put out. It seems that they report the day the story happens with no follow up ever. I am glad that I am still in touch with friends back home that I was able to find out who it was and that when he was killed he was walking to pick his daughter up from school. He was a good person when I knew him in highschool and now his daughter has lost her Dad 9 days before Christmas. A story that needs to be told to the caring people of Windsor!

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 9:46 AM

Spotted : I'd like to give a big thank you to the two nice guys that came out of RC WHITE this morning to help push me out of my driveway. After spending half my night in the ER over a possible blood clot, I sure was happy to receive their help. Thank you gentlemen, for taking the time to assist a mom and son..

lady in bright yellow coat on Albert Rd.

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 9:38 AM

A BIG thank you to the employees of ARBEC-BECKAR for their generous donation to the Downtown Mission of Windsor.
It is wonderful everyone can band together to help others.
Christmas really is the time of giving.
Keep up the good work !!

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 9:12 AM

My grandma was walking down George yesterday and slipped on the sidewalk. At first she couldn't get up on her own so she was on the ground for a few minutes.

Spotted : to the young man who was driving down George around 7:30pm on Monday. Thank you for showing some love to my grandma. You stopped your car and got out to help her up and see if she was OK. My grandma said you offered to give her a ride home but before you did you stopped and got her a tea and soup from Tim Hortons to help her warm up. She didn't need any medical attention, but thank you for offering. If you read this please post a reply, my grandma wants to thank you again in person since she is feeling better. She also said it warmed her heart that you changed your radio to 100.3 to listen to Christmas music while you drove her home. It was an amazing, cute story she shared with us.

A girl who is glad she can tell a story like this

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 9:01 AM

Spotted : to the new Tecumseh Medical Clinic and Pharmacy for the free prescription and smarties for the kids. It was a pleseant surprise as we were not the only ones to get them either. I never go to the doctors but love this place as it is a one stop shop with very little wait times ever and full services like xrays and much more all same day. Hoping to never see or wait in an ER at a hospital again

a Thankful parent with 2 sick babies

Windsor, ON Wednesday December 18th, 2013 at 8:15 AM

Spotted : to the people that drive down riberdy in the morning and afternoon, stop giving me dirty looks(honking) and doing a 70-80 when its a 50 and i am trying to bring my children to the bus stop (and be safe) there is no side walks which there are ditches with big piles of snow right beside them... so only place we can walk is the side of the road. you see me and my children so why dont you slow down before something bad happens......

signed one angry mom that doesnt want to be on the street walking my kids to the bus stop but they wont change it closer.

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