Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world



Windsor, ON Tuesday January 14th, 2014 at 11:30 AM

I would just like to say thank you to the person who found my daughters purse at the bus stop on Tecumseh by Herman High School....thank you so very much for turning it in...the man from Mr.Safety Shoes called to let us know they had it....again thank you thank you thank you

You have been Spotted
A very grateful mom and her teen daughter hugs

Windsor, ON Tuesday January 14th, 2014 at 10:10 AM

I have two girls, 1 in grade school, 1 in high school, both schools sidewalks are still covered in ice, my little one almost fell today and the older one did fall this morning and came home from school, she hurt her back and her head, My Niece also slipped on ice this morning taking her daughter to school and hurt her hip, what's wrong with this picture, why has the ice not been cleared yet, even some city property has ice on the sidewalks. Come on people get with the program clear your walks before someone gets hurt really bad

Sudbury, ON Tuesday January 14th, 2014 at 8:58 AM

To the waitress at Tutti Frutti, your smile and amazing service were well worth the non early bird pricing. I'm never coming back again because tutti frutti is too weird of a name. But definitely glad I came at least once :).

The guy who ate too much fruit

Windsor, ON Tuesday January 14th, 2014 at 8:42 AM

Lost couch (coach) purse....for christmas my 16 year old daughter received some make up and a manual phone charger,blue in color which she carried in this purse...she lost it Monday January 13,2014 somewhere between the bus stop by Herman High going East to Tecumseh Mall on either the 1C or the Ottawa4...if anyone has seen this or picked it up please please please...I am begging you to contact us thank you

Windsor, ON Tuesday January 14th, 2014 at 8:20 AM

I just wanted to update a story most of us have heard about. Remember back in the summer The Windsor Star reported on the family who bought the nightmare house on Acorn Cres. and were living in a camper in the backyard?
Well Bryan Baeumler, Lowes and Gino Piccioni from Timberland Homes made it right for them! Gino and his team of trades all volunteered their time and Lowes supplied the materials, and Bryan and his wife helped with the blueprints and picking the flooring, tiles, etc. This family also received all new furniture and appliances.
There were so many trades helping out, all for free. Tile guy, plumbers, electricians, heating and cooling, etc. This was all organized by Gino from Timberland homes. He used all the trades he normally uses on his custom homes. There was so much time and effort put into this project, and it's amazing to see so many people come together to help out a family most of them have never even met.
Yesterday there was a party at Lowes for everyone that helped on this project, and the family has received the keys to their new home.
It was such a horrible beginning for this family that thought they were buying their dream home, only for it to be an unfortunate nightmare. With the help of so many generous people, this family has been given a fresh start and can finally get on with their lives knowing they have a safe home to live in.
Gino is an amazing contractor, and extremely busy. He took on this house because it was the right thing to do. Kudos to all that were involved! I'm sure the family is thrilled!!
And to the family: enjoy your new home! After this long and drawn out nightmare, finally you can sleep peacefully knowing your home is safe (and beautiful)!!

Windsor, ON Tuesday January 14th, 2014 at 8:02 AM

To the brain dead moron in the black Jeep driving in the outside lane this morning on EC Row East between Dougall and Howard, you cut off that lady in the Red Journey in the center lane just to make the Howard exit. All without benefit of a turn signal until after you were successfully on the off ramp. You almost caused a 3 or more car accident!

Sudbury, ON Monday January 13th, 2014 at 11:00 PM

To our waitress tonight at the Keg. Wow you were amazing, sense of humor and service were amazing. I'm still laughing at the "thing on the Wall" story


The guy who loves any dessert with apple

Windsor, ON Monday January 13th, 2014 at 10:51 PM

To the father who was at the McDonalds near Costco today. I never thought i'd ever want kids, and i'm still to young to even think about having kids(last year at the UofW. But, seeing you today play with your kids, all three of them. Watching their faces glow and smiles grow with every answer you gave them, and every joke you told. That sir was priceless, and you were enjoying their company as much as they enjoyed yours.
When I was younger my dad always made me feel like I didn't matter. Every report card and every test that I did well on I would race home to show him and he never really said he was proud of me. It really hurt and I always thought I would never want to make my kids feel like that. I was thinking the best thing is to never have kids, less chance of disappointing them and myself.

I am happy for those kids and it is so refreshing to see a father put so much effort into his making them happy. That one moment I shared with the rest of the people at McDonalds when your daughter put her hands on your cheeks and looked into your eyes. My heart dropped when I heard her say loudly as if she wanted everyone to hear "I love you daddy, you are my best dad in the whole wide world." I would say you are one lucky dad, but I am going to have to say those are some pretty lucky kids. Thank you for restoring my faith in being a parent.

The girl who didn't need to buy a "happy" meal to be happy!

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