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Windsor, ON Monday January 6th, 2014 at 10:28 AM

Spotted : Woke up this morning to see snow drifts and alloy of snow out there. When out to shovel and my senior neighbor came over and offered me a hand. We finished my driveway and we did the sidewalks. I looked across the street and my old fella neighbor George was completely buried in snow drifts and has a long driveway. I yelled out to my other neighbours shoveling hey let's give George a hand. So together after half an hour we got him completely cleaned out he was extremely grateful. But my pet peeve is this, the man next-door has a big snowblower watch this all of us do this work and yet stood there. Sometimes as neighbors we may not get along but this kind of weather is very taxing on our seniors it's a good neighbor that helps out and puts differences aside on days like today. Just my thoughts.

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