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Windsor, ON Tuesday December 24th, 2013 at 8:19 PM


In the name of God the Most Compassionate the Most Merciful.

From this Muslim to everyone celebrating Christmas :

Upon the anniversary of the birth of Jesus, son of Mary ( Peace Be Upon Them), Word of God, The Messenger of Mercy. I would like to congratulate the followers of the Abrahamic faiths, especially my Christian brethren, on the birth of Jesus (Peace Be Upon Him). I pray for the new year to be a year of happiness, prosperity, peace and brotherhood for humanity. A year free of aggression and war.I wish you all success and happiness.

Merry Christmas to all , and especially my middle eastern Christian brethren in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. And as a SHIA Muslim it brings me nothing but pride to see that Christians of the Middle East , are safest in SHIA Muslim majority countries. Bless you all my brothers.

Your Muslim brother

"If you are not my brother in faith then you are my equal in humanity.."

Imam Ali (Peace be Upon Him).


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