Dedicated to the general sights, news and funny happenings all around the world



Windsor, ON Sunday December 22nd, 2013 at 12:06 AM

Spotted : To the rude man in the white Ford truck by Hotel Dieu tonight around 9pm. My mother and I were crossing the road to get to our car when the "walk" sign turned to the hand but we hurried across anyway because the light for you was still red and we had the time. You proceeded to yell "DO YOU HAVE A F***ING BRAIN?" and then when I turned around to see who you were speaking to and raised my hand apologetically realizing we were the only ones around, you shot the finger at me and shouted more rude things at us as you were driving by. Not that I think it would make a difference to you because clearly you are a bitter person anyway, but we had just came back from visiting my grandpa who is being transported to London first thing tomorrow for triple bypass surgery and I won't be able to go with him so I was already upset. Your actions just made my night worse. My mom noticed I was upset by it and proceeded to tell me not to let it get to me because we need positive energy right now and she's right. I just figured I'd send this in, in hopes that you somehow come across this, realize it is directed at you and think about your actions next time you are thinking about treating someone that way.

An over sensitive 21year old who is trying to keep the Christmas Spirit through these hard times...

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