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Windsor, ON Friday December 20th, 2013 at 8:57 PM

Spotted : To the woman at Zehers on Manning Road.

At around 5pm this evening you made my whole Christmas. I was having a day where I was worried about having enough money to do exactly what I would need. I've been sinking my money into my mother and her needs and paying it forward for a while now.

I was at the cashier, oblivious to the amount on the register, that I would be required to remove some items to stay in my budget. Just as the cashier was removing them, you offered to pay the difference. I told you I couldn't let you do that, but you did it anyways.

I moved ahead and watched you pay for the difference. I waited to hug you and began to sob uncontrollably as I thanked you. You hugged me, kissed me on my cheek and told me you once had two young kids and knew what it was like to be in my shoes.

I've always been the giver, but I had no idea how over powering it was to be on the receiving end. Your generosity has made my whole Christmas. And with the speechless words I could not seem to find in that very moment, I realized I had forgotten to get your name.

My body is aching, my eyes are tired, but my heart is filled with the warmth of Christmas miracles. It's because of you that I have sobbed happy tears for over 2 hours.

Thank you generous woman. You made my whole Christmas. I only wish I knew who you were so I could repay the generosity you have given me.

Sincerely the grateful mother of two.

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