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Windsor, ON Friday December 20th, 2013 at 7:44 PM

Spotted: All kinds of reckless drivers on EC row this evening

I work until about 6pm on Friday nights and always take EC Row home. Normally, traffic is very smoothly flowing at this time, although busy, as many people are headed home after a long day of work. Today's milder weather seems to have made drivers less aware of road conditions because I spotted no less than 4 careless driver speeding and weaving in and out of traffic like their wives were in labour. Wet roads and dark skies still make for poor driving conditions and I think we all need to slow down and be more cautious when driving. Not only around the holidays because more people seem to be out and about, but for the rest of the winter when road conditions may not be as ideal as we would hope.

A good driver who just wants to make it home after work in one piece

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