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Windsor, ON Sunday August 12th, 2018 at 1:03 PM

Pride parade

To the guy on the Home Depot float wearing black were spotted!! Spotted making fun of people on the street while you rode a float that's message is acceptance. The absolute hypocrisy of your actions is horrific. How can you support and ask for people to accept you if you openly mock and laugh with your female friend on a float that everyone is looking at?? I watched you for a solid 5 minutes while the parade was at a standstill. You laughed and made fun of one womans hair, you and your friend laughing and making sweeping motions about her bangs. Unbelievable. I took the time to point out your actions to my child to show her what intolerance and ignorance actually looks like in the real world. If you don't appreciate people judging you and want society to accept you for the choices you make about your person, then be ready to do the same to others. You should be ashamed of yourself.

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