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Windsor, ON Sunday February 11th, 2018 at 11:50 AM

To the man with the big tractor!

I live in the Remington park area and all winter our streets barely get plowed! Which makes it very difficult for us to get in and out of our driveways (espeically with two smaller cars). This morning I woke up to a man in a big yellow tractor plowing our street! I thought he was getting paid to do this. But then a neighbour informed my fianc that this man is doing it for free! With his own tractor, own gas, and on his own time!

He covered our driveway at the end with a little snow my fianc was outside shoveling it so he could get his car in the driveway....and this man even came back and shoveled the end of our driveway as well!

That was so nice of you! You don't know how much easier you have made it for us to be able to get in and out of our driveway without getting stuck and sliding around everywhere!

So to the man in Remington park on Sunday February 11th, THANK YOU! Thank you thank you thank you! You are very kind! We really appreciate it as do all of our neighbours!

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