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Windsor, ON Sunday September 17th, 2017 at 12:57 PM

Good people

My daughter lost her wallet at the Cineplex theatre last night at the Devonshire Mall. It was during the last showing of the night therefore she couldn't go back and check an hour later when she realized she must have left it there. We both went to the theatre this morning just before the mall opened and was told by an employee that was jus arriving for work that the doors only opened in 1 hour. I wanted to thank that young girl for relaying my message to her manager that my daughter had lost her wallet the night before. The manager opened the doors within a few minutes of my request and told us that a wallet had been found last night by the cleaning staff. My daughter got her wallet back with everything in it. It is nice to know that there is lots of good people left around that will return your property as it was found. Again thank you young lady for relaying my message to your manager. Thanks to the manager for letting us in and not having to wait an hour until the doors opened. A big HUGE THANK YOU to the cleaning staff for finding the wallet.

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