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Windsor, ON Friday September 1st, 2017 at 9:54 AM

Be Considerate to those who suffered already!!

So last night I hauled all of our flood (Sewage water) stuff to the side of the road, it took hours of hard work to clean and bag up neatly for pick up, there where lots of soaking wet smelly clothes and some toys things like that. Well someone thought it was a good idea to rip those bags apart and take what they wanted and leave the rest for me to clean this morning. What the hell is wrong with people. Not just my house either, they went through all the people on my streets garbage and just threw it around trying to find stuff they wanted. I honestly hope these people get the plague from wearing contaminated clothing!! (Ok maybe I dont but I am so mad!!) Try to be considerate. We just had to clean up our belongings and toss them out, we have to pay to repair damage and now we all get to take the time to clean up another stinky mess. Watch what you buy from Kijiji people!! I have a feeling its going to be blowing up with "deals"

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