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Windsor, ON Wednesday January 8th, 2014 at 6:44 PM

Our son, his wife and our 20 month old little grandaughter were getting a bit chilly in their home as their outdoor furnace unit began acting up for several days. My son decided to go and purchase a carbon monoxide detector just to be sure the air in the house from the furnace was safe and plugged it in. The detector started going off within hours detecting there was carbon monoxide in their home. They had to shut the furnace off because it was unsafe and were trying to keep warm during this major artic blast with 3 small space heaters as a new furnace was being decided on. A huge and grateful thank you to the guys at Syles heating and cooling who braved the freezing temps of -18C and -40 windchills outside Monday to quickly install a whole new outdoor furnace unit so my son and his family could have safe heating again in their home. Soooo grateful for that carbon monoxide detector that likely saved their lives.

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